Why Display a Nativity in Your Front Yard?

The following is the first in a series of occasional blog posts by Outdoor Nativity Store’s owner, Norb Huber, in which he reflects on the significance of the Nativity, the lessons and challenges of running a Christian company, and whatever else he thinks you may like. We call these Nativity Stories.
It’s the time of the year when the leaves start falling, the weather gets chilly, and the Christmas stuff is actually being purchased after sitting in the stores for the last couple of months. Homeowners across America will soon be thinking about decorating their houses for the big daddy of all holidays, Christmas. Young people and especially us older folks are looking to keep things light and easy. We really don’t want to spend days or maybe a week dragging boxes out of the garage or attic, testing strings of lights, and setting up Santas and candy canes.
There is nothing wrong with an occasional snowman or a Mickey Mouse, but if we really want to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, we should set up a nativity to remind us of whose birthday it is and how Jesus brings us joy during this season and throughout the year.
Displaying a nativity sends a message. We make a statement. We are saying to the world that we believe this baby is the Savior of the world, the Son of God. We believe that this little baby born in a lowly manger and wrapped in swaddling cloths came to die for the sins of the entire world. Those who put their trust in Him have eternal life given to them.
If there was ever a history changing event, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem ranks right up there with the big ones. Why do we fly our American flag? Because we want the world to know that we love this country. Why should we display a nativity? Because we want the world to know that we put our trust in the One who saves us. We want others to experience the same joy and peace that we have in Jesus.
Shout it from the mountain tops. Show the world, show your neighborhood, tell everyone about this baby born 2,000 years ago in a distant place who reigns today in the hearts and lives of those who believe.
Christmas lights on the house? Sure. Keep it simple. Make a statement. Display the REAL Christmas story. Share Jesus.
Norb Huber is the owner of Outdoor Nativity Store and believes that God loves the world and sent his Son, Jesus, to save us.