• What is Labor Day and why do we celebrate it?

    For many Americans, the Labor Day holiday marks the last hurrah of summer before we get into our fall routines of school and work. As we make our plans to get the most out of the three-day weekend, we may not stop to think about what the holiday really means. The first Monday of each

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  • Flagpole with American flag in front of church

    Oh, Say Can You See: The story of our national anthem

    Its familiar opening chords bring us to our feet at the start of sporting events throughout the country. During the Olympics, we watch our nation’s top athletes proudly stand on podiums as it is being played in crowded arenas. We’ve heard its notoriously difficult notes sung – sometimes successfully and sometimes not – by celebrities,

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  • donkey and ox next to Virgin Mary at nativity

    Were Animals in the Manger on the First Christmas?

    Most representations of Jesus’ birth show donkeys, cows, and sheep watching over the Holy Family and a camel or two arriving with the Three Kings. Artistic renderings may include animals that are native to the artist’s country. For example, an African artist might include a zebra or a giraffe at the manger scene. But what

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  • Christmas ornaments from 1960s

    Guide to Vintage Christmas Decorations

    Christmas decorating is about memory making. If you are a parent or a grandparent, you want to make Christmas special for the kids. If you are a young person, you may feel the holiday season hasn’t begun until Mom or Dad hauls out the boxes out of the attic or basement. No matter what your

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  • Jim Morrison's National Christmas Center in Pennsylvania

    National Christmas Center Keeps Memories Alive

    At the National Christmas Center, it is common to hear a grandfather whisper to a grandchild, “That’s the train I had when I was your age.”  Another visitor may gasp and say something like, “We had that ornament on our tree when I was a little girl.” “We make people happy here by taking them

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  • Santon figurines on shelf of store in France

    4 Amazing Nativity Set Traditions from Europe

    There is perhaps no more meaningful way to celebrate the birth of Christ than by displaying a crèche. Since St. Francis of Assisi staged the first nativity scene in 1223, the idea of the Christmas crèche has spread throughout the world. Since the crèche is both a representation of faith and an art form, many

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