• Child playing with small wooden nativity set

    Guide to Nativity Sets for Children

    Did you grow up in a household with a nativity set that was a cherished family heirloom? If you did, you probably remember watching your mom unpack it each year shortly after Thanksgiving. As she lovingly nestled each piece into its spot in or near the manger, she might have told you about its history

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  • young girl at military cemetery with Christmas wreathes

    Military Displays: Christmas Nativity Scenes for Troops

    There may be nothing lonelier than to be stationed at a faraway military base at Christmastime. Not only do you miss your family and friends, but also you miss the familiar traditions that make Christmas such a meaningful time of year. However, American troops have found both traditional and creative ways to honor Christmas no

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  • outdoor nativity scene with light in snow

    Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Outdoor Nativity Sets

    Browse All Nativity Sets Maybe you are celebrating your first Christmas in your new home. Perhaps you have children and want to share the joy of Christmas with them – and your neighborhood – in a tangible way. It could simply be that your old outdoor manager scene one has seen better days. Whatever your More  →
  • nativity set in Japan missionary yard

    Christian Missionary in Japan Uses Nativity Scene to Reach Community

    Peter O’Neill has served as an American missionary in Asia for more than three decades. In the early 1980s, Peter lived and taught at a university in Beijing and helped bring the Gospel to Communist China. For the past 23 years, he and his wife, Atsuko, have served in a Japanese community about two hours

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  • Charlie Brown outdoor nativity manger scene

    The Story of the Peanuts Nativity Scene

    On Dec. 9, 1965, a new Christmas classic was born. That evening, an estimated 15,490,000 people sat down to watch the premiere presentation of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” on their television sets. Since then, millions more people have watched this heartwarming Peanuts cartoon on video or in its annual re-broadcasts on network television. As Charlie

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  • Jim Morrison's National Christmas Center in Pennsylvania

    National Christmas Center Keeps Memories Alive

    At the National Christmas Center, it is common to hear a grandfather whisper to a grandchild, “That’s the train I had when I was your age.”  Another visitor may gasp and say something like, “We had that ornament on our tree when I was a little girl.” “We make people happy here by taking them

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