Tag Archives: theater

  • Children in costumes performing birth of Jesus

    Ultimate Guide to Organizing a Live Nativity

    Shop All Nativity Sets Nativity scenes are a thoughtful and meaningful way to celebrate Christmas. People of all ages and backgrounds enjoy taking a look at the Holy Family and the other participants of that incredible first Christmas. However, bringing a nativity scene to life with real people in a realistic setting takes everything to More
  • Children performing manger scene with live animals

    The History of Live Nativities: From Sacrilegious Plays to Beloved Tradition

    Although live dramatizations of the Nativity were popular during the Middle Ages, they began to decline in popularity by the end of the era. One reason was that Church authorities denounced the humor that was sometimes added into the presentations. In addition, Protestant Reformers disapproved of theatrical performances in general. In England, for example, the

  • Painting of adoration of magi from middle ages

    Medieval Theater and the Creche

    During the Middle Ages, in the days before the printing press, church services were in Latin and the few Bibles that existed were kept in the church – often chained to a lectern. Even if Bibles were available, most laypeople people would not have been able to read them, as illiteracy rates were high during

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