Tag Archives: First Amendment

  • young girl at military cemetery with Christmas wreathes

    Military Displays: Christmas Nativity Scenes for Troops

    There may be nothing lonelier than to be stationed at a faraway military base at Christmastime. Not only do you miss your family and friends, but also you miss the familiar traditions that make Christmas such a meaningful time of year. However, American troops have found both traditional and creative ways to honor Christmas no

  • How Nativity Scene Traditions Developed in America

    American crèche traditions started in the 18th century with a small group of Protestant immigrants who brought their Christmas customs to their new homeland in the New World. The United Brethren from Herrnhut, commonly called the Moravians, was founded in Bohemia during the 15th century (in what is now the Czech Republic). On Christmas Eve

  • Outdoor nativity scene in downtown Chicago

    Meet the “God Squad” Defending Public Nativity Displays

    “Our country was founded on freedom of religion, not freedom from religion,” says Jim Finnegan, the founder of American Nativity Scene. “I am not intimidated by people who say otherwise… It is rewarding to stand up to bullies.” Using the precedent-setting court case Grutzmacher vs Chicago Building Commission from 1989, which protects the rights of private

  • Manger scene in Wadena window from outdoors

    A Small Town’s Inspiring Response to Manger Scene Legal Challenge

    The manger scene displayed for more than four decades in Burlington North Park in Wadena, Minnesota, was not particularly unique. Joseph and Mary wore traditional colored robes, and baby Jesus rested in the crib. An angel watched over the scene singing praise for the birth of the Savior. The townspeople expected to see the manger

  • Supreme court building with nativity scene

    What the Supreme Court Says About Outdoor Nativity Scenes

    Like clockwork each winter, the debate over the display of outdoor nativity scenes on public property begins. On the news you may here about lawsuits by atheist organizations and civil liberty groups, and, sadly, even vandalism of manger scenes. It can feel like everyone wants to stop your community from presenting a crèche at the

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