Tag Archives: creche

  • Painting of adoration of magi from middle ages

    Medieval Theater and the Creche

    During the Middle Ages, in the days before the printing press, church services were in Latin and the few Bibles that existed were kept in the church – often chained to a lectern. Even if Bibles were available, most laypeople people would not have been able to read them, as illiteracy rates were high during

  • Saint Francis with hands in air

    Saint Francis and the Origin of the Creche

    If a nativity scene is an important part of your family’s Christmas, you already are familiar with this lovely and meaningful way to honor the birth of Christ. You may not know, however, that Saint Francis of Assisi is credited with popularizing the crèche back in the 13th century. St. Francis of Assisi (c 1182-1226)

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