Tag Archives: creche

  • National Christmas Center in Pennsylvania displays historical nativity sets year around

    Where to See Nativity Sets Year-Around in America

    It is easy to get into the Christmas spirit in December when carols are playing everywhere you go, and the stores are filled with holiday displays. But what if you want to keep the feeling of Christmas all year long? You’re in luck. There are some museums, churches and retailers in America that offer nativity

  • Idaho nativity set collector Richard Nourse

    1,800 and counting: Meet the Idaho Man Who Fills His Home with Nativity Sets All Year Long

    Richard Nourse admits he has always enjoyed collecting things, but over the past six years, he has gotten serious about the hobby. He estimates he has about 1,800 nativity sets – a unique and personal collection comprised mostly of thrift store finds. Nourse, who celebrates his 90th birthday in October, says he got interested in nativity

  • Woman explaining nativity scene to children

    Glencairn Museum: Nativity Collection in a Castle

    If you will be in the Philadelphia area this holiday season, you owe it to yourself to plan a visit to Glencairn in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania. Built between 1928 and 1939, Glencairn is an impressive Medieval-style castle that first served as a private home for the Raymond Pitcairn family and now serves as a museum.

  • Jim Morrison's National Christmas Center in Pennsylvania

    National Christmas Center Keeps Memories Alive

    At the National Christmas Center, it is common to hear a grandfather whisper to a grandchild, “That’s the train I had when I was your age.”  Another visitor may gasp and say something like, “We had that ornament on our tree when I was a little girl.” “We make people happy here by taking them

  • Santon figurines on shelf of store in France

    4 Amazing Nativity Set Traditions from Europe

    There is perhaps no more meaningful way to celebrate the birth of Christ than by displaying a crèche. Since St. Francis of Assisi staged the first nativity scene in 1223, the idea of the Christmas crèche has spread throughout the world. Since the crèche is both a representation of faith and an art form, many

  • Nativity scene exhibition in Europe

    Creche Traditions in Europe: A History

    The nativity scenes we know and recognize today have their roots in centuries of European traditions dating back to the 12th century. These early nativity scenes were usually made of terra cotta and were displayed year round in churches in the 1300s. Historians believe that around the year 1289, artist Arnolfo di Cambio carved one

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